This post follows my competition in Tucson, AZ at the Elite Throws Classic. This meet takes place over two days with two separate competitions so athletes can get double the marks in in a single competition. Now this meet is different than other track meets because it only contains the throwing events. It is awesome to be a part of competitions where my event area is the focus, so I am really glad this was my second time getting to partake. The first meet day also produced my seasons best so far so I was really happy with that result. The second day fell a bit short, but I am happy with the consistency I am starting to get. It was so hot during the day that by the time the sun went down I started to feel chilly and had to laugh at myself because the temperature was still 85 degrees! However, it was fun to mix up the scenery and take in all of the cacti and mini mountains. My next meet is in Idaho in two weeks time, I look forward to that scenery as well!